
To see the WORLD transformed by Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes.

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It's About Teamwork

FCA Carolinas is aligned with the International Region of South Asia. Sports transcends age, race, gender, economics, and even nationality. The popularity, accessibility and diversity of sport makes sport environments incredible tools/spaces for discipleship!

FCA partners with local sports ministry leaders and existing ministries in the South Asia International Region. With over 30 Staff in South Asia, the Carolinas Region of FCA partners with them, praying, giving and going to meet their needs.


We link arms with FCA Staff in our International Region by actively praying for their needs.


We give of our resources to support the work God is doing in our International Region


We go to our International Region to serve alongside our international staff on 3 Types of Trips: Vision Trips, Training Trips, & Sports Trips.

FCA International Impact

Support South Asia FCA

Great Ways to Get Involved

Let's reach EVERY Coach and EVERY Athlete in EVERY Country!

Lydia Tapia

Regional Director of International Advancement

Lydia serves as the Regional Director of International Advancement for the Carolinas Region of FCA. Lydia mobilizes staff, donors, coaches, athletes, and volunteers in the Carolinas Region of FCA to pray, give, and go for our International staff in South Asia.

Please contact Lydia for all questions and opportunities concerning International in the Carolinas Region.

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