FCA Carolinas is aligned with the International Region of South Asia. Sports transcends age, race, gender, economics, and even nationality. The popularity, accessibility and diversity of sport makes sport environments incredible tools/spaces for discipleship!
FCA partners with local sports ministry leaders and existing ministries in the South Asia International Region. With over 30 Staff in South Asia, the Carolinas Region of FCA partners with them, praying, giving and going to meet their needs.
We link arms with FCA Staff in our International Region by actively praying for their needs.
We give of our resources to support the work God is doing in our International Region
We go to our International Region to serve alongside our international staff on 3 Types of Trips: Vision Trips, Training Trips, & Sports Trips.
In 1 Thessalonians 5:17 Paul says to “pray without ceasing”, this verse is the foundation for 24 Hours Unbroken Prayer. Unbroken Prayer is a time we pause as an organization to seek the Lord’s presence, leading, and Spirit.
24 Hours of Unbroken Prayer first began in the Mid-Atlantic Region of FCA with our Regional Director of International Advancement for the Mid-Atlantic, Mark Stephens, and a few of his FCA donors and staff. Now, Unbroken Prayer has grown to become a Global FCA movement!
In FCA we believe Every athlete or coach who comes to faith in Jesus, has a name, even if they live in a country where their name cannot be shared, they have a name and a story worth telling. This is the story of “V”, his story is being told by our FCA staff member in country.
“Recently, I had an opportunity to visit one of the Community Huddles and hear a story of an athlete, whose name is “V”. “V” comes from a Broken home and got into drugs and all other addictions...
In Judges 2 there is a chilling verse, it reads...
"After that whole generation had been gathered to their ancestors, another generation grew up who knew neither the LORD nor what what he had done for Israel." v 9
We have a responsibility to the next generation, to ensure that they know the Lord and all that He has done for them; how He sent His son, who died and rose again so that they might experience His life and love!...
South Asia Monthly Prayer Guide
Pray individually, in your FCA environments or with your church! This prayer guide is a year round resource to help you pray intentionally for South Asia and FCA ministry there!
24 Hours Unbroken Prayer
Join us every February as we gather online and in person all over the globe for an FCA Prayer movement! You, your church and your people, can join FCA from the Carolinas and South Asia for 24 hours straight of prayer for the nations!
Give to FCA parterns and projects in South Asia! Get creative and pray about how you can give of your time, talent, and treasure to be a part of what God is doing in South Asia!
International Trips
FCA offers a variety of trips with FCA staff and other partner organizations around the globe. Contact Lydia Tapia (RDIA) below so we can get to know you and connect you with the right trip to serve our FCA staff in South Asia!
Lydia serves as the Regional Director of International Advancement for the Carolinas Region of FCA. Lydia mobilizes staff, donors, coaches, athletes, and volunteers in the Carolinas Region of FCA to pray, give, and go for our International staff in South Asia.
Please contact Lydia for all questions and opportunities concerning International in the Carolinas Region.
P.O Box 525